A few more gems from Australian Home Decorating
by Babette Hayes (1970) and some tips too:
The use of scrubbed furniture, folk-weave textures, sisal matting, marvellous junk shop accessories, brightly-painted doors, striking posters, divans, piles of coloured cushions, natural brickwork inside, and so on.
High fashion decorating that is young and gay. This can be starkly simple, with all-white walls, colourful rigs, well-designed modern furniture, dramatic strokes of colour in bold painting and smart accessories and tiled or polished wooden floors. This look goes particularly well with with the Australian climate. Or it can be a high-fashion ‘old-fashioned’ look with the use of velvet and silk, patterned wallpaper and fabrics, a judicious mixture of good antique and modern furniture, old prints, some fun junk, mad bathrooms, daring colour combinations.
A conservative, well-bred look, with subtle, understated colours, neutral backgrounds, chintz or plain linen chair covers, handsome antique furniture, conventional pictures, good quality fabrics. Not much drama, but thoroughly restful and delightful. If you do favour this background, you should introduce a few dashing notes to save it from dullness.